Terms of Service

These terms and conditions and all applicable service-specific terms (“Terms of Service” or “Agreement”) govern your access to and use of any websites, mobile sites, mobile applications, products or services offered by Kick Social.

By accessing and using the services in any manner, you are "accepting" and agreeing to be bound by these terms of service to the exclusion of all other terms. If you do not unconditionally accept these terms in their entirety, you shall not (and shall have no right to) access or use the services.


1. Acceptance of Terms

2. Availability of the Site

You acknowledge that there may be interruptions in service or events that are beyond our control. While we use reasonable efforts to keep the Site accessible, the Site may be unavailable from time to time for any reason including, without limitation, routine maintenance. You understand and acknowledge that due to circumstances both within and outside of our control, Site access may be interrupted, suspended or terminated. You further understand that there may be interruptions in service or events on third-party sites, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, etc., that will affect your use of the Service (defined below) and that are beyond our control to prevent or correct. Interruptions in the Service that are beyond our control shall not serve as a basis to terminate your subscription or demand a full or partial refund of any prepaid fees.

3. Description of Service

4. Mobile Applications

Kick Social makes Mobile Applications to access the Service via a mobile device. To use the Mobile Application You must have a mobile device that is compatible with the mobile service. We do not warrant that the Mobile Application will be compatible with Your mobile device. Kick Social hereby grants to You a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use an object code copy of the Mobile Application for one registered account on one mobile device owned or leased solely by You, for Your personal use.

5. Your password and account security

6. Privacy and your personal data

7. Intellectual Property Rights

8. Content in the services

9. Your use of services

10. License from Kick Social

Kick Social gives you a worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive right and license to access and use the Services through the Software, on a subscription basis, for the term and in the scope designated by the Terms. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided by Kick Social, in the manner permitted by the Terms. You acknowledge that this is a service agreement and we will not be delivering copies of the Software to you as part of the Services.

11. Content License from you

12. Cancellation and Termination

13. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability

14. Limitation of Liability

15. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Kick Social from and against any claims, actions or demands, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and professional services fees, arising or resulting from Your or Your Users’ breach of these Terms, or Your and Your Users’ access to, use, misuse or illegal use of the Service. Kick Social will provide You notice of any such claim, suit, or proceeding. Kick Social reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter which is subject to indemnification under this section, in which case You agree to cooperate with any reasonable requests to assist Kick Social’s defense of such matter.

16. Changes of terms

17. No Waiver

Kick Social’s failure to enforce at any time any provision of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that provision or of any other provision of these Terms.

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